Thursday, January 16, 2025
There are many websites that sell a wide variety of products that will never offer any type of promotion. There are several reasons why they would not use this marketing strategy that is utilized by many different companies. Promotions...
A rules engine is a robust piece of software that manages “if-then” statements known as business rules. These effective conditional statements help run companies by deciding whether a given input meets certain stipulations. Therefore, when a rules engine runs...
Nearshoring means outsourcing processes to countries nearby. Cultural proximity also plays an important role here. E.g., on the Polish market, there are many IT specialists ready to work on projects for companies from Germany, the UK, or the Scandinavian...
This is a walkthrough of the most common classes/constructors in JawsJS. For more detailed information please see the full JawsJS Documentation. Sprite() One of the first thing jaws implemented was a decent Sprite-constructor. We want to have a higher abstraction for our heroes,...
The Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (also known as Common Criteria or CC) is a framework for cybersecurity certifications based on international standards (ISO 15408). The CC as a new set of guidelines was launched in June...