Nowadays, if we want to sell as many products as possible, an online shop is indispensable. Thanks to this, it is through the Internet that our products can reach a very large number of Internet users, who find it easier and more comfortable to sit at the computer in the evening and choose what they need. However, the question arises: how to set up an online store? In this article, we will tell you what steps should be taken to run such a store.

Choose a domain for your e-commerce site

Ask yourself what domain do you need for your business? The domain should be short and easy to remember, but it’s not necessary.

If you want your brand to be recognizable, you need to have a name that is inimitable or easy to remember. A non standard domain will make your online e-commerce shop stand out. Make sure you have a professional email address connected with the domain that can be used by customers to contact you. It will also have the profits of SEO.

E-commerce website design

E-commerce website design outsource to specialists. Professionals will design the website to be functional and useful, as well as visually attractive. They are up to date with all trends, so when commissioning a website, you can be sure that your online store will have all the most important functions.

Add products

Select the sort of product. If you are offering a course, for example video, it makes sense to choose an Internet Service Provider that has no BW or memory restrictions. Devise your products descriptions and names. Determine the price and figure of products available for sale. Add good quality product photos – showing details and in daily use. 39% of people give up shopping when it takes too long to load photos and websites – take care of their loading speed. Add various types and costs of shipping.

Test the operation of the store

Shopping cart abandonment plagues e-commerce websites. How can this be avoided? Ease of use and system reliability are priorities when creating an online store. The website must be responsive so that it can also be conveniently used on smartphones and tablets. Offer free shipping if you can, or explain shipping costs in advance before customers go to your payment summary. It is a good practice to send cart abandonment email as soon as the user leaves without making a purchase.

Take care of SEO and analytics

One thing that is very important when building an e-commerce website is search engine optimization (SEO). Track the performance of your e-commerce site with an analytics solution. You can hire an SEO agency to position and optimize your website. They will implement the latest SEO guidelines on an ongoing basis and properly monitor and react to any changes. This will help you monitor websites and products so that you can improve them, increasing your sales, reach and effectiveness.

A professional website will help your business succeed and become an industry leader. Don’t wait and create a website for your store today!


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