The notary’s profession is associated with a well-paid job. It is no wonder then that many young people decide to start an educational path with a view to acquiring education allowing them to practice this profession. What requirements must be met to be able to carry out notarial activities?
Who is a notary
A notary is a person who primarily deals with the development of notarial deeds and creates draft drafts. In addition, she is responsible for creating certified copies of documents, accepting declarations regarding inheritances and storing deposits. The notary is also required to certify his own signature and confirm the compliance of the transcript. He also performs a number of other notarial activities aimed at giving documents legal validity.
A notary can work in his own office (then the salary is much higher) or find employment in another private office (working partly on someone’s account).
How to become a notary
Only graduates of law can think about the profession of notary. Due to the fact that at the stage of higher education it is not possible to choose the specialization “notary”, the decision to practice this profession can be made after leaving education. To do this, however, you must obtain the necessary permissions.
According to the deregulation act on access to the profession, a person who wants to become a notary:
- must undergo a 3.5-year apprenticeship and notarial assessment (with the option of interrupting the application for a period not exceeding 12 months),
- must draw up at least 70 drafts of notarial deeds and at least 14 drafts of other notarial activities,
- must be under the patronage of a notary trainee by a notary public,
- obtaining a positive result in a three-part practical exam (theoretical part was abolished).
After passing the notarial exam, it is possible to obtain the status of deputy notary or appoint a notary public.
First of all, a notary public should be distinguished by honesty. Accountability also plays an important role, as it deals with the certification and confirmation of transcripts and other documents. In this profession, reliability is also useful, because often the notary’s decision depends on the proper conduct of many matters, e.g. related to the purchase of an apartment, transfer of inheritance, etc. The notary should be able to keep secret from the information he provides they are sometimes quite confidential.
How much does a notary earn
A notary is a lucrative profession that allows you to achieve higher than average earnings. However, it is worth knowing that finding employment may not be easy. Currently, there are few ads on the labor market in which law firms are looking for lawyers with such a specialization.
Among other things, experience has an impact on the amount of income. It is obvious that a person making his first steps in this profession will earn much less than a notary public with extensive experience and reputation. The amount of earnings also depends on the place of work.